Please Help Me On This Thank You Very Much! (2024)

Spanish Middle School

Please Help Me On This Thank You Very Much! (1)


Answer 1


1- aplicado

2- exigente







Can I have Brainliest?

Answer 2

Whst the person on the top said is correct

Related Questions

Please help me on this 10 points!! NO FILES OR LINKS





1 no, marta, tu eres tan simpática como Maria

Estados Unidos que Es el papel usado por dinero hecho con?



"El papel ordinario que los consumidores utilizan en su vida cotidiana, como los periódicos, los libros, las cajas de cereales, etc., está hecho principalmente de pulpa de madera; sin embargo, el papel moneda de Estados Unidos está compuesto por un 75% de algodón y un 25% de lino. Esto es lo que da a la moneda de los Estados Unidos su aspecto y tacto distintivos."

What the other person is correct trust I speak Spanish bro

Please help me on this



Number 5


The rest of the answers say good things about Maria.

Answer: 5

Explanation: The answer needs to be something bad about Maria that will make Marta believe they are equal.

¿Cuándo va usted a _________ (corregir) nuestras pruebas?

Help please I'll give brainlest



the answer is corregir and ik i'm right cause i'm mexican i can speak,write,and read in spanish so the answer is CORREGIR


It’s CORREGIR , you should believe us

14.¿Existen palabras en español con las combinaciones [qua] y [quo]? a. sí b. no

15. Cierto o Falso, ¿La consonante [r] puede producir un sonido suave y fuerte?

16.¿Es posible tener combinaciones de doble consonantes en español? Ej. [ss], [pp], [ph] a. sí b. no

17. ¿Cuántas letras tiene el abecedario en español? a. 25 b. 30 c. 26

18. ¿Cómo se llama la línea (~) que va arriba de la consonante [ñ] para darle sonido? a. acento b. tilde c. diéresis

19.Cierto o Falso ¿La [y] se puede usar como consonante y como vocal? Ej. yate, soy II. Clasifica las siguientes combinaciones como diptongo o hiato
20. aí ___________________
21. oe ___________________
22. iu ____________________
23. ee ___________________
24. ie ____________________

III. Identifica la palabra como diptongo o hiato.
25. materialista d h
26. cartapacio (binder) d h
27. viaje d h
28. juego d h
29. aeropuerto d h
30. sobresaliente d h

Please only people who know Spanish answer this question.
fill in the blank with the correct conjunction of estar.
Ellos _____ aburridos.



están is correct


ellos están aburridos.

you wouldn’t use “son” because it’s a form of ser and aburridos is a temporary state so you would conjugate with estar.

1. ¿Cuántas vocales tiene el abecedario en español? a. 10 b. 5 c. 26

2.Cierto o Falso ¿La consonante [h] es considerada muda en el abecedario en inglés?

3. ¿Cuáles son las cuatro letras que no existen en el abecedario inglés? a. ch, ll, ñ, rr b. c, z, ph, w c. c, k,ll,ch

4. La vocal [u] pierde su sonido en cuatro combinaciones, nómbralas. a. que, qui b. gue, gui c. opción a y b

5. La combinación de dos vocales débiles se llama a. hitato b. diptongo c. tilde

6. ¿Qué consonante tiene el mismo sonido que la consonante [y]? a. i b. ll c. ch

7. ¿Cuántos sonidos tiene la vocal en español? a. 5 b. 1 c. 6

8. ¿Cuáles son las consonantes que tienen el mismo nombre y sonido? a. b,c b. ll, y c. s,z

9. Cierto o Falso La [ph] se usa en el español para producir el sonido de la [f]?

10. ¿Qué es lo que se usa para darle sonido a la [ü] dentro de ciertas palabras? a. acento b. tilde c. diéresis

11. ¿Cómo se forma un diptongo?
a. combinaciones de vocales debil con vocal fuerte
b. combinacion de dos vocales fuertes

12. ¿Es posible que una palabra empiece con la [r]? a. sí b. no

13. ¿Cuáles son las dos consonantes que tienen dos sonidos? a. b,c b. c,g c. ll, y


9. no

Ch, ll, rr, ñ

Please help me in this Spanish assignment I don’t get it.



you have to compare the city from then to now



you have to compare the city from then to now


plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help thank u i will give branliest to best answer
You are a blogger. Write a miniblog about some daily chores you have do today. Write two (2) complete sentences in Spanish to describe what you have to do. Remember to use the vocabulary words from this lesson/course only. Use the following suggestions as a guide for your answer:

You may copy and paste the accented and special characters from this list if needed: Á, á, É, é, Í, í, Ó, ó, Ú, ú, ü, Ñ, ñ, ¡, ¿.

*Note: The sample sentences in parentheses are just a guide to help you form your sentences. You must come up with your own original answers, keeping academic integrity intact.

In one sentence, write one household chore you have to do inside the house and on what day/s you have to do this chore. Remember to use the yo form of the verb tener + que + infinitive. (e.g., On Monday, I have to set the table.)
In one sentence, write one chore you do outside the house and on what day/s you have to do this chore. Remember to use the yo form of the verb tener + que + infinitive. (e.g., On Tuesday, I have to take the trash out.)


Hola otro día más. Hoy tengo un día muy agitado. Tengo que ir al doctor en la mañana para vacunarme. Al mediodía tengo sesión de entrenamiento en el gimnasio. Y en la tarde voy a llevar a mi novia a cenar.

안녕하세요 제 영어 숙제 좀 도와 주 시겠어요?

¿Cuándo va usted a _________ (corregir) nuestras pruebas?


Does not change back already changed which is the first verb

Cuando va usted a CORREGIR nuestras pruebas?

please help! im not that good with conjugations.


Oyes is the correct answer :)

Yo: oigo
Tu: Oyes
El/ella/usted : oyen

please help me
76. Susana ________________________ estudiar en la biblioteca. (preferir)
a. prefiere b. prefere

77. Christie y yo _________________________ el helado de chocolate. (querer)
a. queremos b. quieremos

78. Tú ______________________ que el examen es fácil. (pensar)
a. pensas b. piensas

79. Gloria y Marta_______________________ la lección. (entender)
a. entienden b. entenden

80. Daniel Ricardo y yo ________________________ los tacos. (pedir)
a. pedimos b. pedemos


76.a, 77.a, 78.b, 79.a, 80. Is something

76. Prefiere
77. Queremos
78. Piensas
79. Entienden
80. Pedimos
Hope this helps
Please mark brainliest
Have a good day :) ;)

Please help me only this!!!


Antonio era más extrovertido que Miguel.
Berta era más atlética que sus hermanos.
Miguel era mas responsable que Antonio.
Antonio y Berta eran más flojos que Miguel.
Berta era más aventurera que Miguel.
Berta era más solitaria que sus hermanos.
Antonio y Miguel eran más conversadores que Berta.
Miguel era más distraído que Antonio.

Hope this helps good luck!


Antonio era más extrovertido que Miguel.

Berta era más atlética que sus hermanos.

Miguel era mas responsable que Antonio.

Antonio y Berta eran más flojos que Miguel.

Berta era más aventurera que Miguel.

Berta era más solitaria que sus hermanos.

Antonio y Miguel eran más conversadores que Berta.

Miguel era más distraído que Antonio.

fill in blank with correct verb
_________ mexicano.



Eres Mexicano.


Estas is a state of being somewhere/doing something


Are you playing soccer? = Estas jugando futbol?

Eres is a state of being something


Are you intelligent? = Eres intelligente?

the answer to that question is eres

1. ¿Cuántas vocales tiene el abecedario en español?
a. 10 b. 5 c. 26

2.Cierto o Falso ¿La consonante [h] es considerada muda en el abecedario en inglés?

3. ¿Cuáles son las cuatro letras que no existen en el abecedario inglés? a. ch, ll, ñ, rr b. c, z, ph, w c. c, k,ll,ch

4. La vocal [u] pierde su sonido en cuatro combinaciones, nómbralas. a. que, qui b. gue, gui c. opción a y b

5. La combinación de dos vocales débiles se llama a. hitato b. diptongo c. tilde

6. ¿Qué consonante tiene el mismo sonido que la consonante [y]? a. i b. ll c. ch

7. ¿Cuántos sonidos tiene la vocal en español? a. 5 b. 1 c. 6

8. ¿Cuáles son las consonantes que tienen el mismo nombre y sonido? a. b,c b. ll, y c. s,z

9. Cierto o Falso La [ph] se usa en el español para producir el sonido de la [f]?

10. ¿Qué es lo que se usa para darle sonido a la [ü] dentro de ciertas palabras? a. acento b. tilde c. diéresis

11. ¿Cómo se forma un diptongo?
a. combinaciones de vocales debil con vocal fuerte
b. combinacion de dos vocales fuertes

12. ¿Es posible que una palabra empiece con la [r]?
a. sí b. no

13. ¿Cuáles son las dos consonantes que tienen dos sonidos? a. b,c b. c,g c. ll, y



1. 5

2. True (the H is silent)

3. A

4. C

5. B

6. A

7. A

8. A

9. False


11. B

12. A

13. B


1: 5 vocales
2: falso
3: ñ z
4: que qui
5: no se

14.¿Existen palabras en español con las combinaciones [qua] y [quo]? a. sí b. no

15. Cierto o Falso, ¿La consonante [r] puede producir un sonido suave y fuerte?

16.¿Es posible tener combinaciones de doble consonantes en español? Ej. [ss], [pp], [ph] a. sí b. no

17. ¿Cuántas letras tiene el abecedario en español? a. 25 b. 30 c. 26

18. ¿Cómo se llama la línea (~) que va arriba de la consonante [ñ] para darle sonido? a. acento b. tilde c. diéresis

19.Cierto o Falso ¿La [y] se puede usar como consonante y como vocal? Ej. yate, soy II. Clasifica las siguientes combinaciones como diptongo o hiato
20. aí ___________________
21. oe ___________________
22. iu ____________________
23. ee ___________________
24. ie ____________________

III. Identifica la palabra como diptongo o hiato.
25. materialista d h
26. cartapacio (binder) d h
27. viaje d h
28. juego d h
29. aeropuerto d h
30. sobresaliente d h

El SINGULAR Y PLURAL DE LOS SUSTANTIVOS Escribe el plural de las siguientes palabras:
31. italiano ____intalianos___
32. inglés _________________
33. lápiz _________________
34. escritor _________________


14. No
15. Cierto
16. Si
17. In Spanish is 27 but put C.
18. C. Dieresis
19. Cierto
20. Hiato
21. Hiato
23. Hiato
24. Diptongo
25. D
26. D
28. D
29. H
30. D
31. Italianos
32. Ingleses
33. Lápices
34. Escritores

person on top is right

Cierto o Falso Las palabras con énfasis en la penúltima sílaba llevan acento escrito cuando terminan el consonante excepto N o S.
86. Una palabra se clasifica de _____________a _______________.
a. izquierda a derecha
b. derecha a izquierda
87. Cierto o Falso Otro nombre para las llanas son graves.

Identifica las siguientes palabras como, agudas, llanas o esdrújulas. Indicate if the following words are: agudas, llanas, esdrújuluas.
__SE___/ ___E___/ __LL___/ ___A___
4 3 2 1
aguda- termina en vocal n/s (must end in a vowel, n or s)
llana/grave- termina en consonante excepto n/s (must end in a consonant except n/s) esdrújulas- todas llevan acento (all have written accent)
sobresdrújulas- todas llevan acento (all have written accent)
88.____ te-le-fo-no 93.____ si-la-ba 98.____ di-as 89.____ car-cel 94.____ can-tan-te 99.____ fa-cil 90.____ ar-bol 95.____ co-ra-zon 100.____ la-piz 91.____ ul-ti-ma 96.____ pe-nul-ti-ma 101.____ es-pa-ñol 92.____ lle-var 97.____ a-zu-car 102.____ ma- ra- ton



the answer is a


La respuesta es A izquierda derecha

Vas a escribir una respuesta a un mensaje
Tu respuesta debe incluir un saludo y una
despedida, y debe responder a todas las preguntas y
peticiones del mensaje. En tu respuesta, debes pedir
más información sobre algo mencionado en el
mensaje. También debes responder de una manera

Por favor ayúdenme



what you have there already is fine but here is anouther just in case


Answer:lo que has escrito es bueno por lo que veo, así que creo que por lo que parece que estás haciendo increíble

Explanation: Buena suerte!!!

Please help me on this Spanish work please thank you!


Answer:1- aplicado

2- exigente






Explanation; brainliest would be appriciated :)

I think it’s aplicado, I’m very sorry if it’s wrong

Would you consider studying in a Spanish speaking country?
Which country would you choose? Why?



Yes I would study in a spanish speaking country, I would choose Mexico. I know how to speak spanish but I just don't know how to read and write in spanish



I would like to study in a Spanish Soeaking country. Ill choose Mexico, Honduras or El Salvador, it will be so cool because, there a lot of universities to choose and also I can go to visit some attractive places like in Honduras, Copan, Copan is so beautiful, the climate is amazing and there’s so many places more!

Fill in the blank with the correct conjunction of star.
Yo _______ cansado.


I didnt put lines above the letters that need it because my device is not capable.


yo estoy cansado (estoy)

Estoy es correct.....

Please Help Me On This Thank You Very Much! (2024)


How do you politely say thank you very much? ›

Show Your Appreciation With 25 Other Ways To Say “Thank You”
  1. I'm so grateful.
  2. I appreciate it.
  3. Thanks for your hard work on this.
  4. I couldn't have done it without you.
  5. I owe you one.
  6. Much obliged.
  7. Thanks for having my back.
  8. Please accept my deepest gratitude.
Dec 9, 2021

How do you say thank you so much for helping me? ›

35 Creative Ways to Say I Appreciate Your Help
  1. Thank you for your assistance. ...
  2. Your help has been invaluable to me. ...
  3. I couldn't have done it without you. ...
  4. Your support has meant everything to me. ...
  5. I am grateful for your help. ...
  6. I truly appreciate your help. ...
  7. You have been a lifesaver. ...
  8. Your kindness has been much appreciated.

What is a better way to say thank you very much? ›

How to say thank you in English
I'm so grateful.To express gratitude.
I appreciate it.To express appreciation.
I can't thank you enough.To express deep gratitude.
That's so kind of you.To thank someone for something they did for you that they didn't have to do.
32 more rows
Mar 28, 2022

How do you say thank you very much more professionally? ›

Be sure to take the time to relay your gratitude.
  1. I appreciate your help.
  2. I am grateful for your help.
  3. I am so very grateful for your time.
  4. I greatly appreciate your help.
  5. Thank you for such a wonderful contribution.
  6. Thank you for taking the time.
  7. Thank you for taking the trouble to help me.
  8. Thank you for all the help!
Apr 7, 2024

Is it professional to say thank you very much? ›

The meaning of thank you very much is slightly formal, while thanks a lot can sound either gracious or sarcastic. The phrase thank you in advance is particularly loaded and should be used with caution, while my deepest thanks is a bid for an emotional connection.

Is it polite to say thank you very much? ›

Saying “Thank You Very Much” is completely correct. It's a polite way to show extra gratitude. This phrase adds emphasis, making your thanks feel stronger and more sincere. People use it in both casual and formal situations.

How do you professionally express gratitude? ›

I am truly grateful for your consideration.” “My thanks and appreciation for your consideration.” “I appreciate your time in considering my application.” “I greatly appreciate your thoughtful consideration.”

How do you say thank you in a powerful way? ›

The LanguageTool Grammar Checker can help ensure your thank you message is free of errors.
  1. Much obliged. ...
  2. I sincerely appreciate it. ...
  3. I'm most grateful. ...
  4. Please accept my deepest gratitude. ...
  5. I'm forever indebted. ...
  6. Many thanks. ...
  7. I appreciate it. ...
  8. Thanks a ton.

What is the most beautiful way to say thank you? ›

22 Different Ways to Say Thank You
  • How can I ever repay you? ...
  • I'm indebted to you. ...
  • I'm humbled by your kindness. ...
  • I'm so lucky to have you in my life. ...
  • You have my heartfelt thanks. ...
  • That means the world to me. ...
  • I'm touched by your thoughtfulness. ...
  • You've made my day/week/month/year!

How do you respond to thank you very very much? ›

You're very welcome. You're very welcome. You might also hear: You're so welcome. This could be a response to 'Thank you so much'.

How do you use thank you very much in a sentence? ›

Thank you very much, the joint debate is now closed. I should like to thank you for your support for this initiative. Thank you very much for your proposal and very clear message.

Is it grammatically correct to say thank you very much? ›

The correct phrase is "Thank you very much". This can be used to strengthen the meaning of the simple and common "thank you". Although you might say "thanks" quickly and casually, you would not add the 's' on thanks when it's not a singular statement.

How do you write a short appreciation message? ›

Simple appreciation messages
  1. 1 Thanks for your help with X.
  2. 2 I really appreciate all of your hard work.
  3. 3 You've been so helpful with X. ...
  4. 4 Sending you some much-deserved appreciation for X.
  5. 5 I'm lucky to call you a friend. ...
  6. 6 I appreciate all of your help during this difficult time.
Aug 3, 2023

How do you thank someone for their kindness and support? ›

For kindness
  1. “Thank you for thinking of me as often as you do. Please know your kindness means the world to me.”
  2. “You always go above and beyond. Thank you for all you do.”
  3. “I don't know where to start in saying thank you for being you. ...
  4. “The more time we spend together the more I realize what a special person you are.

How do you say thank you a lot professionally? ›

Formal Ways To Say “Thank You”
  1. Much obliged. When my coworker lent me the book I've been eager to read, I said, “Much obliged,” and assured him I'd return it by next week.
  2. I sincerely appreciate it. ...
  3. I'm most grateful. ...
  4. Please accept my deepest gratitude. ...
  5. I'm forever indebted. ...
  6. Many thanks.

What is the most humble way to say thank you? ›

  • How can I ever repay you?
  • I'm indebted to you.
  • I'm humbled by your kindness.
  • I'm so lucky to have you in my life.
  • You have my heartfelt thanks.
  • That means the world to me.
  • I'm touched by your thoughtfulness.
  • You've made my day/week/month/year!

How to express gratitude in words? ›

I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for your thoughtfulness. Your kind gesture has truly touched my heart and brightened my day. I am so grateful for your generosity and appreciate all that you have done for me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such a wonderful friend/colleague.

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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.