Daily Record from Morristown, New Jersey (2024)

SOUTHSOUTHEAST D2 Dally Record, Northwest N.J. Monday, December 31, 1984 Pequannnosta High poete Imnm PEQUANNOCK TWP. The following students at Pequannock High School have been named to the honor rolls for the first marking period of the 1984-85 school year High Honor Roll Grade 12: Hsi-Yang Wu. Honor Roll Grade 12: Ronald Afflitto, Wendy Aspden, Lisa Baptis, Bruce Barthelemy, F. Joseph Bauer, Todd Bauer, Robert Bortge, Pamela Brautigam, Daniel Bulger, Trad Cecere, Sharl Chertolf, Jennifer Coleman, Alan Conkling, Marianne Cox, Mark Cropanese, Joseph Dl-anuzzo, Catherine Dvarackas, Kevin Elvin, Pot charges filed in Vernon VERNON TWP.

A 22-year-old township man faces charges of possession of stolen property, drug paraphernalia and less than 25 grams of marijuana. Charles Putz of Applewood Road was arrested by Patrolman Gary Gardner after the officer spotted Putz in a car in a darkened parking lot in the Scenic Lakes section of the township, police said. Gardner reported seeing several partially smoked marijuana cigarettes on the car's console. While inspecting the car Saturday night, Gardner found property belonging to the Americana Hotel, police said. Putz was released pending a January court appearance, police said.

seph Bulger, Timothy Burklow, Patrick Byle, Timothy Carlo, Susan Carrubba. Donna Cas-sella, Barbara Coleman, Mark Colvin, Louis Contlcchio, Peter Crefeld. Mark Csaszar, Arthur DeGroot, Audra Deodato, Kurt Dericks, Susan Detrick, Steven Everett, Elaine Fotladis, Debra Fox, Laura Gattl, Stephanie Gillman, Colleen Gusler, Thomas Harrington, Michael Henry, Cecil Huang, Vickl Keller, Karen Koehler, Christopher Kuiper, Lisa Laird, Eric Lake, Mark Lautz, Magali LeParc, Joseph Lewin, Brooke Libby, Linda Mann, Bradley Nisbet, Amy Ostergaard, Tracy Payne, Lisa Fteifrer, Gregg Powers, Scott Powers, Judith Ouinn, Robert Reich, Kathy Rose, John Ruck-stuhl, John Spencer, Judith Stankiweicz, Christopher Stringer, Christine Talerico, Christine Torsiello, Karen Valla, Michael Vender Goot, Karen Voychansky, Julie Wells, Elizabeth Zuhowski. Grade 9: Tracy Adkins, Christa Albano, Patrick Aquilone, Kevin Bauman, Kathy Black, Robert Bohacik. Brian Bopp, Pamela Bortge, Karen Brown, Krlsten Bucaro, Rebecca Bur-gin, Ysabel Cajigal, Margaret Chal, Kevin Dunne, Jennifer Feld, Colleen Fell, Kristin Fit-ton.

Richard Garatalo. Lisa Greydanus, Jen- nifer Hawk, Christine Hollick, Laurie Hopper, Cordell Jones, Leigh Kayser, Susan Kotcher, Kelly Kroll. Dana Kuhnast, Michael LaSasso, John Levitsky, Christine Little, Heather Maher, Kamala Maluk, Jennifer McBurney, Georgena Mlnogue, Karen Mlrko, Maria Morelra, Laurie Nagle, Michele Nagle, Eileen Napoliello, Denis Nelson, Michele Nolan, Michele O'Brien, Gina Passaro. Corry Piatt, Erica Prasch, Douglas Putlock, Dawn Relchert, Daniel Roepke, Elaine Russo, Stacey Ryan, Nicole Sabol, John Sampson, Rachel Shane, Darin Silver, William Slootmaker, Cindy Stillo, Jeffrey Taylor, Robert Taylor, Karey Tibbetts, Michael Toole, Kimberly Toub, Jennifer Troiano, Douglas Van Etten, Daniel Zahner, Kann John Feeney, Kimberly Fitton, Laura Flynn, Debra Forrest, Lynn Garolalo, Amanda Gould, Kelley Hallisey, Janis Heimacy, John Kanlecki, Jacqueline Karsen, Leonard Kruk, Steven Kuiper, Madeleine LaCorte, Karen Upowsky, Katharine Little, Jeffrey Long, Kathleen Max, Jennifer McElwreath, Martin Melilll, Jill Moran, Colleen Mulhall, Patricia 0 Kane, Steven Osborne, Simone Pepe, Renee Pierri, Scott Pln-nix. Heather Prasch, llona Praschak, Mark Reyer, Mark Roberts, Moira Ruddy, Anthony Scerbo, Kathleen Stappenbeck, Wendy Stein-thal.

Christopher Thiem, Robert Thompson, Knsta Waliin, Kara Warren, Kenneth Weinberg, Steven Wells, Cynthia White, Susan Wolfe, Keith Wolos and Steven Zahner. Grade 1 1 Jonathan Aldom, Deborah Bailey, Andrew Ball, Megan Bancroft, Richard Barto-lozzi, Kevin Cahill, Jeffrey Calcagni, Lee Cap-piello, Michele DiRenza, James Driscoll, Colby Dunnlcan, Alison Ertle, Jeffrey Esposi-to, Brian Feeney, Steven Goldman, Margery Gray, Beth Griffin, Lauren Haweeny, Kann Helmlinger, Karen Hitchco*ck, Henry Homen-towskl, Leah Hric, Kimberly Huray, James Jeffreys, Brian Kaiser, Kimberly Karchonas, Robert Kennedy, Kenneth Kovalcik, Amy Kurner, Mui Lay, William Linn, Janet Loses, Lorraine Maloney, Jeffrey Maneval, Jacquelyn McBur-ney, Guy Miller, Mary Morstatt, Mark Mueller, Robert Nagle, David Napoliello, Stephanie Ol-sen. Gary Patterson, Daniel Quinn, David Reeves, Janet Reopke, Scott Rogers, Wendell Rotter, Karen Russo, Eve Sabbath, Elaine Saccal, John Scerbo, Bobbi-Lyn Schroeder, Christine Seitz, Katharine Sheehan, Michelle Sheridan, Thomas Slater, Susan Stansfield, Angelo Stefanldes, Eric Steinhilber, Kimberly Tibbetts, Patricia Verdi, Beth Walker, Seth Weston, Philip Wisneski, tirade 10: Dawn Aam, Louise Albers, Charles Baldissard, Thomas Bartolozzi, Brert-da Barton, Susan Bower, Karen Brown, Jo Experimenting Dover woman treated after car flip Third-grader Christie Schoonmaker conducted a science experiment for her classmates at the White Rock School in Jefferson to show that moving water transfers energy. Teacher Jean Jacone's students are studying a unit on 'Work on the Shown from left are Frank Ciaburrl, Christie, Jonathan Terry and Rebecca Karow. DOVER A local woman was treated for minor injuries yesterday after she fell asleep at the wheel and her car hit a pole and overturned, police reported.

Maria E. Rodriquez of Lincoln Avenue was driving west on Route 46 at about 1:40 a.m. and apparently fell asleep before hitting the utility pole, police said. She was treated at Dover General Hospital and released, police said. Patrolman William Dyer, who is handling the case, did not issue a summons, police reported.

Somerset recycles Yule tree Horse care course billed in Bernards Student novs After the holidays give your spent Christmas trees to the Somerset County Park Commission. They will be recycled as wood chips for use throughout the park system or else placed in natural areas as shelter for small game animals. Residents desiring to donate their trees should remove all ornaments, nails, wire and tinsel and deliver BERNARDS TWP. A course on basic horse management, conducted by Harry Case, Somerset County Park Commission stable manager, is being offered at the Lord Stirling Park riding stables Wednesday evenings beginning Jan. 16.

Registration starts Jan 2. The course consists of lectures ranging from the basics of horse care and diet to good practical stable management. Details of selecting a horse, veterinarian and blacksmith are also discussed. Contact the stable office at 766-5955 for more information. section of Franklin Township Parking Lot off Mettler's Road; Duke Island Park, Bridgewater Township Parking Lot off Old York Road; North Branch Park, Bridgewater Township Parking Lot 1, off Milltown Road (near lighted ballfield); Lord Stirling Park, Basking Ridge Fisherman's Parking Lot, off Lord Stirling Road.

For more information, contact the park commission's horticulture department at 234-2677 or 873-2459. Chorus. He is one of 750 students from 12 states in the Eastern Division chosen for the chorus by the Music Educators National Conference. Colin Ferguson, son of Mr, and Mrs. Yale Ferguson of South Road, Chester, and a senior at Mendham High School, has been selected for the 1985 All Eastern them to any one of the following locations: Colonial Park, East Millstone Care program seeks sponsors 000 EE is flexible.

Sponsors are needed for year-round accessibility and primarily for for emergency placement Sponsors are paid by the Division of Mental Retardation, which screens and trains each prospective applicant. A home inspection is conducted and all safety criteria must be met. Sponsor training takes approximately four evenings and will be held at the SCARC offices, 39 Newton-Sparta Road. Anyone interested in joining the program can call during the day rate period, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., when rates are highest.

The same calls placed during other hours would be lower. CALL RATES NEWTON A program of respite care for families of the mentally retarded is being offered by the Sussex County Association for Retarded Citizens. Sponsors are needed to provide emergency respite care for the association's community and group home clients. Respite care is a program whereby temporary supervision is provided so that a person (or persons) caring for a family member who is mentally retarded may have some time for themselves. The SGARC respite care program RATES FOR LONG DISTANCE CALLS The'rates tor direct dialed long distance calls, operator assisted calls and calls made with an Cilling Card were increased an overall seven percent.

Here are some examples of the impact on some typical calls, each five minutes long, direct dialed Somerset college registration Locations Old Rates New Rates Hackensack- Camden SI. 03 $1.14 Newark- Atlantic City $1.11 SI. 22 Trenton-Newark .81 .90 Camden-' Jersey City .95 SI. 06 Vineland- I lammonton .44 $.52 Princeton- Asbwv Park .73 .81 Millville- CapcMay .54 .60 Momstown- Iawrcnccville .73 .81 Fort Dix- Toms River .54 .60 Paterson-Salem $1.19 $1.30 Important information iibcut year Communications Service in New Jersey The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities has authorized changes in Ginmtmi-cations1; tariffs covering the long distance services the company offers in the state. The effective dare of these changes is January 4, 1985.

The impact of these changes on our customers varies. The rates will go up tor some, down for others, depending on the scr-j ices involved, how and when calls are jilaccd and where the calls aa going. i The best news is the Board's permission jir us to introduce a new calling plan for Long Distance Services the state, called Reach Out New Jersey. This plan is part of program to give customers a variety of choices in selecting long distance sen ices. Details and how to arrange; -ti participate, are described, in the spcci.il section called "good Gnnmunications of New Jersey, and other competing long distance companies in the state, provide long distance calling sen ices only between the three Specific geographic areas in New Jersey out-, lined on the map below: School, Route 519, Milford, Thursday, Jan.

10, 7 to 9 p.m.; Hunterdon Central High School, Route 31, Fleming-ton, Wednesday, Jan. 9, 7 to 9 p.m.; and North Plainfield High School Route 22 East, Tuesday, Jan. 8, 7 to 9 p.m. For more information, call the admissions office at 526-1200, exL 271. Anyone who did not receive a copy of the course schedule in the mail should call 526-1200, ext.

230, or stop at the registrar's office for a copy. SOMERVILLE Somerset County College will hold in-person registration Monday, Jan. 7, through Thursday, Jan. 10, noon to 4 p.m. and 5 to 8 p.m.; Friday, Jan.

11, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.; and Saturday, Jan. 12, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Those interested may also register at the college's off-campus sites: Bound Brook High School, Union Avenue, Monday, Jan.

7, 7 to 9 p.m.; Hillsborough High School, Amwell and Homestead Roads, Thursday, Jan, 10, 7 to 9 p.m.; Holland Township New courses offered at WCCC learning program. Of the new courses, Principles of Management and Personal Finance will be offered via public network television. Students may register by mail or phone through Jan. 11, or in person 'through Jan. 18, at the college office located In the Franklin Township professional building.

Hours are 8.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The mailing address is P.O. Box 168, Washington, N.J. 07882.

For more information, call the college at 6S9-1090. WASHINGTON TWP. (Warren) Warren County Community College will offer several new courses during the spring 1985 semester in the departments of accounting, business, data processing, mathematics and word processing administration. Classes will begin on Saturday, Jan. 19.

In addition to traditional classroom instruction, students may elect to take business courses via television or through the Audio-Visual Tutorial (AVT) system, a self-paced Mx mi. AW A VAU.frlf I I ATI ANTH 1 1 UMATAL Coming up Introducing "Reach Out" New Jersey Here's how it works: All night, and every night from 11 p.m. til 8 a.m., "Reach Out" New Jersey plan lets you call long distance anywhere in New Jersey for a full hour for a flat fee of just $5.50. If that sounds good to you, there's more. Each additional night hour is just $4.50.

Of course, if you talk for less than that additional hour, you'll be billed only for the time you use. You can break up your hour any way you like: one call for 60 minutes, or 60 calls for one minute or any where in between. On top of that, plan buyers get an additional 15 percent discount off calls they make between 5 p.m. and 1 1 p.m. Monday through Friday, and from 8 a.m.

to 11 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, when evening rates are in effect. That 15 percent is on top of the regular evening rate discount of 25 percent off. There's a low one-time charge of just $10.00 to join "Reach Out" New Jersey plan. Now consider the advantages.

You can control your expenses and know in advance how much your long distance calls in New Jersey will cost. "Reach Out" New Jersey is just one more way gives you innovation and value for your calling dollar. To take advantage of the new plan, call 1-800-551-3131. New charges operator assisted calls will also go into cflcct on January 4. Pcrson-to-person calls increase from $1.65 to S2.25, and all other operator-handled calls, including collect, billed to third number, request for notification and time and charges, from 70-ccnrs to $1 .25.

Calling Gird sen icc goes from 35-cents to 40-ccnts a call. A discount of 25 patent off the dimt dialed day rates will apply to all Long Distance calls, including operator assisted and coin, placed during the evening rate period, 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. A 40 percent discount will apply during the night rate period, fivnt 11 p.m. to 8 a.m.

Portions of calls which continue when other rate pcriodsgo into effect will be bilkd at rates for the new period. For example, if you dial a call at 7:45 a.m. on a weekday and talk for a half hour, 15 minutes of that call will be bilkd at night rates and 15 minutes will be billed at day rates to reflect the 8 a.m. rate change. An adilitional charge of 40-ccnts will apply to coin calls.

To conform to the industiystajulvd, the initial period for pricing all calls will be one minute instead of tnv. DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE Cusnmim dialing either (201) or t0tf) 555-121 2 dimtmy assistance will be allomd t)tv fire calls with a charge of50-cents for eaih aiUi-tioml call per month. The disabled, as well as customers calling fivm hospitals, hotels, motels, coin and mobile phones, will be exempt fivm dmctoiy assistance charges. BUSINESS SERVICES In general, rates for business services chaniie as follows: The first live WAIS usage point rates increase by 13 percent; the last int by eight percent. There ill be a nine percent increase to the nmtithlv line administration fee for 800 service.

Increases in Gunnel Services range from 18 to 28 percent. Senior Mjjk.if Volunteers needed MORRISTOWN Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Morris County will hold an orientation for prospective volunteers Tuesday, Jan. 8, 7 p.m., at 44 Market St. A film presentation on the agency's objectives will be shown. For Information, call 267-4800.

Houscplant lecture BEDMINSTER TWP. On Saturday, Jan. 19, Tim Smith, horticulturist for the Port Authority of N.Y. and N.J., will present a lecture on selecting and growing houseplants at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Russell Hollingsworth of Bedminster. This event, is sponsored by the Friends of Horticulture in cooperation with the Somerset County Park Commission. There is a small fee. For registration and directions, call 234-2677. YIYICA swim meet HANOVER TWP.

The Morris Center YMCA will hold a masters' swim meet Saturday, Jan. 19. Warm ups will begin at 7 p.m. with the meet at 7:30 p.m. Swimmers 20 years and -older may participate.

For more in- formation, call Alison Buxton at the 267-0704. These calls represent only 12 percent of the total number of in-state long distance calls placed each year by New Jersey customers. Other long distance calls to points within the three boundaries, arc handled by local operating telephone companies and arc charged according to tariffs approved by the Bcxtrd of Public Utilities for those companies. If you would like to ewninc the company's tariffs, thev arc on f.ie with the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities, 1100 Ray-nKind Boulevard, Newark, New Jersey and the following Communications locations: Parsippany, New Jersey, 1515 Route 10 Wayne. Pennsylvania, 170 South Warren Road (second floor) The effect of all of these changes is described below.

If you have any questions j'xnit your residence service, please don't hesitate to call anv of our service rcpresen-tatives at 1-8OO-222-O30O. Business customers can caU 1-800-222-0400. J.W4 Student novs fa; tophom*ores Kirsti Bishop. Joan Hurton, Diana Rhaa, Chnsti Watton, Kurt Lauwman, Bob Fox and Eric MacMnian; juniort OaniM Norby. Nori Kocum, Jutia Cambridge, Knstafi Brown.

Glenn DterxM Jason Kranti and Tta-cey Jaffea: senior Sus Grau, Joanne Ra-basoa. Kristin Hess, Vivien Davis. Kim Taylor, Paul Foi and Btake Helms. Special recognition goes to Blake Helms, chosen to pisy AH astem Band. MENDHAM The International Club of Mendham High School has contributed to a Peace Corps Part-nc Program to build a new secondary school dormitory in Loren Long, student editor of the Mendham High School newspaper, Pipeline, has attended a press conference in Trenton.

Gov. Thomas H. Kean, Education Commissioner Saul Coperman and Higher Education Chancellor T. Edward Hollander answered questions. Twenty-six Mendham High School students have been accepted into this year's All North Jersey Area Br.d.

They are: Freshmen Jnn Sa'maa Ban Karttz, Cfrmn hansb3n, ae Dyt rd Jun Jaf Communications.

Daily Record from Morristown, New Jersey (2024)
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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

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Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.