The Durham Sun from Durham, North Carolina (2024)

in of more will Japan of for the Japan." the "The a as in Church has a ill TWO THE DURHAM SUN, SATURDAY, DEC. 1, 1951 Lone Yacht Survivor Tells Grim Tale Of 5 Days In Open Boat; 8 Die Ministerial Group To Hear Talk On Japan The Durham Ministerial Association will meet Monday morning, Dec. 3, at Temple Baptist at 10:30 o'clock with Rev. E. Norfleet Gardner Henderson as guest speaker, The topic Henderson minister's talk be Religious Situation During Sep.

tember and October of this vear Rev. Mr. Gardner, pastor of the First Methodist Church of Henderson, was a member of preaching mission to and during that time he and four other preachers spoke in than a hundred churches, schools and elsewhere in Japan. The guest speaker is a native of Franklin, and during World War I served a time a Y.M. C.A.

secretary, He has held many positions in the Baptist denomination, and for a while he taught Bible at Campbell College. He been actively interested young people and served for two years as president of the North Carolina B.Y.P.U., and has worked with the Royal Ambassadors and the Boy Scouts. Three years ago he received the Silver Beaver Award because of his work with the Boy Scouts. He is a past president of the Henderson Rotary Club, The Rev, D. D.

Holt, pastor of Trinity Methodist Church, will preover the meeting as president side, the association. Duke Group Attends Meet Several members of the Duke, University staff left today to attend the annual meeting of the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools in St. Petersburg, 2-6. those attending are Duke President Dr. Hollis Edens, member of the executive committee of the association; Dr.

Paul M. Gross, Duke vice-president in the educational division; James M. Slay, assistant dean of Trinity College; and Dr. Arthur M. Proctor of the Education Department.

Duke Woman's College will be represented by Dr. Marianna Jenkins and Miss Ellen Harris bee, associate dean of undergraduate instruction. Wake Forest Gets New Public Relations Man WAKE FOREST- Harold W. Tribble, president of Wake Forest College, today announces an addition to the college public relations staff. He is B.

Frank Hasty, who will be located in Charlotte. Hasty's duties will involve fund raising, primarily, in the southern and western parts of the State. He will represent Wake Forest at church meetings, various association meetings, schools, and other groups. A native South Carolinian, Hasty is a graduate of Furman University and of the Southern Baptist Seminary, Louisville. Balmy Weather Warms Large Part Of Nation By United Press Balmy weather warmed most of the nation today and forecasters predicted a generally spring-like weekend.

Clyde Kelly 1105 Tuneral BROAD Home PHONE Chapel -Funeral services for Lester F. Butler, 75, of 2004 W. Club will be held this morning at 11 o'clock at St. Philip's Episcopal Church. The interment will be in new Maplewood Cemetery, The remains will rest at the Clyde Kelly Funeral Home until carried to the church.

FOR VARICOSE VEINS we recommend BAUER BLACK ELASTIC STOCKINGS Practically invisible under regular hose. Authentic fashioning, 2-way stretch. Light, cool, comfortable FULL FOR LENGTH, MEN A AND OR KNEE WOMEN HOSE $10.00 ROGERS DRUG CO. Cor. Mangum Parrish Sts.

CHARLESTON, S. C. (UP)-The emaciated Negro engineer of the -fated yacht Amphitrite told a grim tale here of five days of thirst, madness and death spent in 12-foot open lifeboat after his ship met disaster on an Atlantic reet. The Amphitrite, a 90-foot Costa Rican vessel, sank last Monday after ramming a reef while atto make to repair a tempting, disaster porta claimed eight lives. The Coast Guard began a search today for the bodies of five of those who perished in the bobbing whaleboat of the vessel, which was outbound from Morehead City, N.

C. to St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. The USS Token yesterday brought in the bodies of a prominent Washington, D.C., family and the lone survivor, engineer Gustav Emanuel Frazier, The dead in the boat were Samuel Alfred Luttrell 39, captain and owner of the 80-ton, diesel-powered yacht, and his 39-year-old wife, the former Kathleen Vannoy Hogan of Asheville, N. C.

Also. in the boat were the Luttrell's 12-year-old son, Samuel Alfred III, who died shortly after being taken aboard the minesweeper. and Frazier, almost speechless from exhaustion and thirst. The Token messaged for a priest after taking the Luttrells' son aboard. Later it radioed: "Cancel that, the boy just died." The Navy said the victims apparently died from exposure, thirst and hunger.

They had set out in the lifeboat without water or other provisions after the yacht sank Monday afternoon. Frazier. carrying a good -luck made of a penny inserted into a metal horseshoe, pleaded for water when taken aboard the Token but this throat was so parched he was unable to drink. "I saw five ships pass us and I hollered to them and I thought they were close enough to hear me but they just passed us by," Frazier said. "That lucky piece in my pocket sure came through for me this time.

I am tired and I want to sleep." Coast Guardsmen here said Frazier told them the Amphitrite sank within sight of Charleston harbor lights after striking a reef in heavy weather shortly after setting out on its southward cruise. However, they said the Amphitrite could not have been in this vicinity since it sank a few hours after it left port. They believed the vessel went down somewhere off Cape Fear, N. C. As the minesweeper approached the bobbing lifeboat, Frazier sat bolt upright, staring at the rescue vessel.

Behind him lay the Luttrells' across his mother's body, already dying. Luttrell, scion of a well-known Washington family who ran a cargo business in the Virgin Islands, lay face up, his sightless eyes wide open. After being revived by drugs and coffee, Frazier said the Luttrells died Thursday. The navigator, apparently crazed by thirst, jumped overboard three nights ago. JUDD Continued from Page One "She was a good friend, and now she's double-crossed me." Officers who captured the murderess said they found a billfold containing a blade inside the the front of dress.

razor, "I'll kill myself before I'll go back," patrolman Harold De Witt quoted her as saying. "I can't stand it cooped up any longer." Mrs. Judd said she had been escape plans for "quite sometime." She described making the cloth and wire ladder which she used to descend from her mother's second-story window at the hospital. Club Chartered A certificate of incorporation for the Bull City Sporting Club of Durham yesterday was granted by the office of Secretary of State Thad Eure in Raleigh. Authorized capital stock has been set at $25,000, while stock totaling $800 has been subscribed by Dr.

J. H. Hubbard J. Fred Pratt, and Dr. J.

M. Hubbard, all Durham Negroes, 5-147 HALL- WYNNE CITIZENS COAL OIL CO. STRICKLAND COAL OIL CO. FILTERED KEROSENE FUEL OIL QUALITY COALS New Heating Plant Being Put In At 'Y' A new heating, plant is being installed in the Y.M.C.A. to replace the plant that broke down recently, 'and Merrill P.

Knight, executive secretary, expressed the opinion today that it will be in operation early next week. The building has been without since Monday, except for a grate fire in the lobby and an electric heater here and there, and the employed staff has worked under wraps all the week. Thirty-one roomers in the dormitory also have suffered because of the breakdown of the central heating plant and Knight said all available extra blankets were distributed among the rooms to assure the roomers of warm sleep. The directors met recently with members of the Community Chest Budget Committee to consider the emergency and decision was reached to install a new heating plant to replace the old plant installed 17 years or more ago. The matter still must be approved by the Chest budget committee and directors but the seriousness of the situation necessitated immediate replacement of the plant.

3 Nabbed For Cotton Theft DUNN--Three Sampson County Negroes were arrested here on charges of stealing 500 pounds of cotton and are being held in jail awaiting trial. Named as defendants were James McNeill, his son, Columbus McNeill Robert Burnett. "The cotton was stolen from D. R. Lee Dunn businessman, late Tuesday, from his farm in Sampson County.

Lee had gone to take a group of cotton pickers home and found the cotton missing when he returned. It had been piled in sheets. The three Negroes brought the cotton to the Jesse Tart Gin in Dunn and tried to sell it. Mrs. Tart the three men to return advised, day for their check and in the meantime notified police.

Policeman Alton Cobb and Deputy Sheriff B. E. Sturgill were waiting for them when they arrived at the gin for pay. Chief of Police George Arthur Jackson said today he had received other reports of cotton stealing and urged farmers to use extreme caution to prevent these thefts. TRUCE Continued from Page One men: "There was absolutely no progress today." Although Joy said the Allies would "continue to insist" that the Reds accept the U.N.

program, U.N. spokesman Brig. Gen. William P. Nuckols said, the admiral's statement was an ultimatum.

The way apparently open for an eventual compromise. Joy began his 23-minute statement with a categorical rejection of what he called the Communists' "invalid objections" to demands. He said the Allies insisted that these principles be included in an armistice, side agreement: may bring in equipment and during reinforcements or additional, "war an armistice. A mined armistice commission and its joint observation teams shall have the authority "to observe on the ground, sea and at airports of entry and communications centers throughout all of Korea" to guard against any truce violations. 3.

The commission also shall have authority to establish joint aerial observation and photo reconnaissance over all of Korea and joint observation of the demilitarized buffer zone. At Therapist Meet Miss Mary Clyde Singleton, president of the American Physical Therapy Association, is attending the semi-annual meeting of A.P. T.A.'s Executive Committee today in New York City. Miss Singleton is an instructor in physical therapy at the Duke Uni- ATTENTION! There is a Coin Shortage. Please bring your coins to the bankeither for deposit or exchange.

Your cooperation will be appreciated by The American Bankers Association. Durham Industrial Bank Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Paid On Savings WILLIAM J. PATTERSON Is Speaking Each Night Except Sat. at 7:45 P.M.

GOSPEL CENTER 500 N. DRIVER AVE. SUBJECTSSunday, Dec. 2-Wounded For Me. Dee.

3-God's Man For These Days. Dec. 4-The Folly of Self Will. Radio WDNC Saturday 6:15 P.M. William J.

Patterson WSSB-Sunday 9:30 P.M. Deaths And Funerals Luther E. Glenn Graveside services for Luther Egbert Glenn, 38, of 2527 Ferrell Road, who died yesterday at his home, will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Paul Glenn Cemetery, near Glenn School. He was born and reared in Durham County, the son of William Washington Glenn and Addie Castle Glenn. He received his education in the Glenn School of Durham County.

He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Bartha Hopson; one son, Glenn of Richmond; two daughters, Janie Lee Glenn and Dail Glenn, both of Richmond; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W.

Glenn of Durham County; two sisters, Mrs. Ada Daniels and Mrs. Emma Reade; four brothers, William Ervin, Luter Marshall, Clayton and James Glenn, all of Durham County. Active pallbearers will be Joe Glenn, Otho Glenn, Brandon Glenn, John E. Glenn, Connie Glenn, and Jessie Glenn, Serving as floral bearers will be Misses Ona Dupree, Betty Braggs, Viola Tilley, Mary Rigsbee, Lannie Carrington, and Vannie Tilley.

Lester F. Butler Funeral services for Lester Ferrell Butler, 75, of 2004 Club who died Thursday in a local hospital, were held at St. Philip's Episcopal Church at 11 a.m. today. The Rev.

Thomas T. Edwards and the Rev. David Yates officiated. Interment was in the new Maplewood Cemetery. Surviving are his widow, the former Marguerite Clagett; one son, Lester Butler of Durham; one sister, Mrs.

A. A. McQueen of Elizabeth City; and one brother, Henry Butler of Washington. Charles Mitchell BURLINGTON Funeral services for Charles M. Mitchell, 35, of Route 3, who died in a local hospital Thursday, will be held at the the Bethel Christian Church near Anderson School tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock.

Burial will be in the Union Ridge Christian Church Cemetery. Martha Surviving Barnes are his, Mitchell; widow, one Mrs. son, Charles one daughter, Margie; three brothers, Jessie and Joe Mitchell of Glencoe; two sisters, Mrs. Myrtle Walker Yanceyville, Route 1 and J. W.

Alfs. Swain of Illinois. Mrs. Luvenia Clayton ROXBORO-Funeral services for Mrs. Luvenia Carver Clayton, 77, of the Chub Lake Community, who died her home yesterday, were held the home.

Burial was in at the family cemetery. Surviving are five daughters, Mrs. Betty Bryant, Mrs. Nannie Duncan, Mrs. Bessie Carver, Mrs.

Lessie Carver and Mrs. Nettie Clayton; five sons, A. E. C. F.

and W. W. Clayton, all of the Chub Lake community; several grandchildren; and a large number of great-grandchildren. R. P.

Kirkland LYNCHBURG, P. Kirkland, 78, died at his home here yesterday. Funeral services will be held at Whittens Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Monday. Surviving are his widow, the former Miss Mattie Booker of Orange County; one daughter, Julia of the home; two brothers, A.

M. Kirkland of Durham and I. H. Kirkland of St. Augustine, one sister, Mrs.

H. M. Blackwood of Orange County; and several nieces and nephews. Miss Narcissia Dunn ROXBORO -Funeral services for Miss Narcissa F. Dunn, 57, who died at her Longhurst home Thursday, will be held tomorrow at the Longhurst Baptist Church.

Burial will be in the Providence Cemetery, Surviving are three sisters, Mrs. Florence Reeves and Mrs. Gracie Stone, both of Longhurst, and Miss Rachel Dunn of the home; four brothers, McKinley, J. M. T.

and R. T. Dunn, all of Longhurst; and a number of nieces and nephews. Walter S. Murray LOUISBURG Funeral services for Walter Sidney Murray, 68, who died Thursday at his home, Louisburg, Route 4, were held at Saint Delight's Free Will Baptist Church today.

Burial was in the church cemetery. is survived by his widow, Mrs. Hattie Murray; one son, T. Murray of Louisburg, Route 4: one sister, Mrs. Lila Hunt of Jacksonville; and one brother, Wiley Murray of Louisburg, Route 4.

Mrs. George Hill HENDERSON Funeral services were held in Washington yesterday for Mrs. George R. Hill, the former Miss Ollie Alma Melton of Henderson, who died in Washington Wednesday. Burial was in Washington.

Surviving are her husband, George R. Hill of Washington; her mother, Mrs. Ollie Melton of Henderson; three brothers, Robert, Bill and Buck Melton, all of Henderson; and one sister, Miss Jeannette Melton of Henderson. John W. Gaster SANFORD-Funeral services for John William (Bill) Gaster, 51, of Sanford, who died in a local hospital Thursday will be held at the Graces Chapel at 2 p.

m. tomorrow. Burial will be in the church cemetery. He is survived by three sisters, Mrs. J.

L. Gills, Route 8. Jonesboro Heights, Mrs. Ella Cowans of Raleigh and Mrs. Janie Stewart of Route 1, Sanford.

Divorce Asked Lillie Bernice Johnson yesterday in Superior Court filed suit for divorce against Oliver De Voe Johnson on the ground of two-year separation. The action states that the couple married Oct. 31, 1948, and separated June 29, 1949. One child born of the union is in the custody of the plaintiff, the suit states. Dial 2115 For Newspaper Business Frat At Wake Organizes WAKE FOREST--A new profes.

sional fraternity on the campus has been organized. The new group, the Society for the Advancement of Management, is an international business organization composed of members of business organizations and of students. The local Wake Forest chap. ter has 20 members, with Fred Ma. lone, Rome, senior, as president.

Membership in the society is an award for outstanding students in the field of management. SEARS ROEDUCK AND CO. OPEN until O'CLOCK SEARS 416 E. Main St. PhoneR-771 Zo But Perr Requ A MAR ANC 8 866 TORRE ARE BRIDGE IN VANCE COUNTY FLOODED BY EARLY FALL RAIN-Flooding of the steel bridge, above, which spans Island Creek in Northern Vance County has resulted from recent, rains in the area.

Construction of Island Creek dam, a project related to the development of Buggs Island, to protect tungsten deposits in the area, has raised the normal water level to a few inches below the bridge, which is open for use at the drivers' risk. The lake has become popular rendezvous for boatmen and fishermen of North Carolina and Virginia. Umstead Talks In Greensboro William B. Umstead of Durham, former United States Senator and candidate for Governor, addressed the Civitan Club at Greensboro at a luncheon yesterday. In his address he said that "corruption and subversiveness in our Government must not be permitted," and asserted that "at this time in history it is more important than ever to guard against slackness of duty." During his address Umstead announced his stand concerning executive powers during times of emergency, The candidate for the North Carolina governorship in 1 1952 said, "the powers given to executives in times of emergency should have a fixed date established for expiration.

The powers, at the end of the date, should revert back to Congress and the people," he said. CLUB Continued from Page One in the western section of the city. The father is serving a road sentence and the mother is not qualified for public employment. Besides, she is needed in the home to care for the smaller children. The only the family has is monthly Aid to certain, Dependent Children grant.

No. 2 has been taken. Case No. 3. The father of these three children is an inmate of the State Hospital and the mother is dependent upon a small Aid to Dependent Children grant for her children's support.

An older son is in military service and sends an allotment home. The caseworker reports that "this is a very deserving family who had to seek assistance when the breadwinner became ill." Case No. 4. The father of these children has deserted the family, The children are very young and the mother must stay at' home to care for them. The family lives with the mother's parents who are unable to assume any financial responsibility, an A.D.C.

grant is the only income. No. There are six chilCase. this Sta family, two of which are beyond toy age. The father of this rural family was killed in an automobile accident about a year ago.

The mother recently remarried but the stepfather is not able to assume support of the children. The income is from an A.D.C. grant. Begin planning your, Christmas charities now and select a worthy family. Then see to it that theirs is a happy Christmas.

You will be all the more happy because of your kind deed. If you prefer, though, send a cash contribution to the club. DEALS Continued from Page One disposing of surplus wartime stocks, equipment and plants acquired by the Government, Told the Post Dispatch story, Larson issued a statement here saying he had been advised an attempt would be made to involve his administration with the investigation, by a House Ways and Means subcommittee, of T. Lamar Caudle, ousted former. Assistant attorney, general.

The House probe, not yet 'finished, has concerned Caudle's role in prosecution of tax cases. In his statement to reporters, Larson said he had had the transaction investigated and made "the complete file available to the Senate Investigations subcommittee." Chairman Hoey (D-NC), reached at his home at Shelby, N. told The Associated Press his committee received the case yesterday and that a preliminary investigation is being made to determine if a full investigation is needed. FOR THE BEST IN TELEVISION SEEM. I the navox magnificent RADIO O'Brient's Music Store 113 W.

Parrish St. Our Home is dedicated to the memory of those who in eternal sleep repose therein and is for the use and comfort of relatives and friends. Hudson FUNERAL HOME MORTICIANS 1800 Angier Ave. 2129 Move Home Agen of Births The following births were reported to the Durham City and County Health Department during the week of Nov. 26 through Dec.

1, 1951: WHITE Richard and Catherine Smith, boy, David and Betty Lockhart, boy. James and Vivian Webster. girl. George and Catherine Swalchick, boy. Earl and Julia Sykes, boy, Charles and Ollie Fox, girl.

Foy and Dorothy Barker, James and Rebecca Rogers, girl. Malcolm and Mary Allen, girl. William and Frances Shallenberger, girl. Richard and Wanda Daugherty, girl. Eugene and Bessie Howard, boy.

Christopher and Hazel Apple, boy, Ona and Nellie Mitchell, girl. William and Francelle Michaels, girl. Douglas and Grace Wenzel. boy. Alexander and Laura Graham, boy.

Edward and Pearl Goehring, girl. Henry Mozelle Lloyd, girl. James and Eunice Crain, girl. Cameron and Betty Ervin, boy. Henry and Florence Morgan, girl.

Gerard and Naomi Marder, boy. Warren and Margaret Yates, girl, Lester and Fayette Barham. girl, Haywood and Dallie Jones. girl. Emory and Doris Thomason, girl.

Leroy and Ellen Crutchfield, boy. Walter and Karleen Neill, boy. John and Betty Denson, girl. Harvey and Doris Sauls, boy. Shuford and Ann Guthrie, boy.

Jackson and Patty Baldwin, boy. Robert and Mary Elliott, girl. Lynn and Dorothy Carroll. boy, Willie and Carrie Rigsbee, girl. John and Nannie Harris, girl.

NEGROES Herbert and Daisy Phillips, boy. Harold and Cora Lineberry, boy, George and Clara Lipscomb, boy. George and Willie Dixon, girl. Richard and Lula Dorsey, girl. Floyd and Latta Miles, by.

James and Janet Thompson, boy. Frank and Alene Webb, Mardell and Mildred McNeil, girl. Jerry and Helen McBryde, boy. Curtis and Emma Jackson. boy.

Nathaniel and Alma Barnes, boy, Willie and Alice Parker, boy. Aaron and Dorothy Moore. boy. James and Lucille Jones, boy. William and Mary Maxwell, boy.

Ben and Esther Brooks, boy. Johnnie and Hattie Snipes, boy. Claude and Hazel boy. Horace and Sadie McMorris, boy, GENERALS Continued from Page One 2nd Armored Division in Europe, will take over the 10th corps. Maj.

Gen. Blackshear M. Bryan commanding general of the 24th Infantry Division in Korea since January, will become deputy chief of staff of the Far East command. Maj. Gen.

Lyman L. Lemnitzer, until recently commanding general of the 11th Airborne Division at Fort Campbell, will take command of one of the combat divisions in Korea. Brig. Gen. Ridgely Gaither, chief of the oPerations division in the office of the assistant Army chief of staff for operations here, will take over the 11th Airborne.

Gaither will be succeeded by Brig. Gen. John A. Elmore who will return to the United States in January from his assignment with United forces in present, Austria. The White bright young of President be delivered lected works bag.

House staff loses the man who wrote many Truman's speeches to off the cuff. His colwould fill a laundry PHONE 9-5707 Flowers for Any Occasion Edward's Florist 912 W. Main St. Dial 9-5707 PROPHECY BIBLE WHAT MANNER OF PERSON? Hear This Vital Question Sunday, Dec. 2, 7:45 P.

M. Prophecy Speaks Tabernacle 2016 Chapel Hill Street (Lakewood Park) ALL WELCOME Reservists' School Set A school for Reserve troops is being conducted today and tomorrow, as well as next week end, at the Organized Reserve Corps Armory at 803 Angier Maj. Richard L. Bettien, unit instructor, said today. The school program will consist of classroom instruction on the organization and function of all units of an infantry division, tactical and nontactical.

Classes both this week end and next are scheduled to start at 1 p.m. on Saturday and continue through 10 p.m. Sunday's classes are scheduled to start at 8 a.m. and continue through 5 p.m. Reserve troops not assigned to the school are eligible to attend the classes.

They will receive point credits towards retirement but no pay. Reserve troops assigned to the O.R.C. School detachment receive both pay and retirement points. Child Found Dead Died Of Pneumonia BURLINGTON-Final rites Rez Delmere Kenyon. eightmonths-old son and Mrs.

R. D. Kenyon Sr. of Burlington, were held here today. Burial was in Pine Hill Cemetery.

The infant was found dead in his bed by his parents Thursday morning. An autopsy showed that death resulted from massive pneumonia, according to Dr. Mitchell Spyker, local pathologist. Survivors, other than his parents, include three grandparents, Mrs. Brona Kenyon of Burlington, Route 5, and Mr.

and Mrs. G. R. Sykes of Burlington. News Coverage Studied CHAPEL HILL, N.

C. (P) -Methods of improving news coverage and newspapers of North Carolina were studied today by news executives of most of the state's daily papers. They attended the fall meeting of the North Carolina Associated Press News Council. President Nady Cates, managing editor of the Winston-Salem Sentinel, presided. Howerton-Bryan 20A OS Ca DO HORN DIAL 4977 Ambulance Service GLENN-Funeral services for Luther Egbert Glenn, 38, resident of 2527 Ferrell Road, will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the graveside in the Paul Glenn Cemetery.

The body will remain at the residence until removed to the cemetery for funeral services. Mr. Glenn died at his home Friday morning at 8 o'clock. Oliver B. Green COME HEAR THE EVANGELIST Oliver B.

Green At The GOSPEL BAPTIST TABERNACLE 2 Miles South of Hillsboro, Orange Grove Road Services: Each Evening: 7:30 P.M. Sunday: 11 A.M.-3 P.M. 7:30 P. M. With an op Attorney C.

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The Durham Sun from Durham, North Carolina (2024)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.