Okmulgee Daily Times from Okmulgee, Oklahoma (2024)

Okmulgw Tltt, Friday. July 13, MU, fogt 3A Public RecordsNews www.yourokmulgea.com Okmulgee County Court Records Felony Filings CF-201 6-00276 07202016 Stale Of Oklahonui vs. Davis, Andrew Patrick Poss. Of CDS-Felony CF-20 1600277 07202016 State Of Oklahoma vs. Memtt, John Wayne Jr.

Poss. Of CDS-Felony CF-20 16-00278 07202016 State Of Oklahoma vs. Espinoza. Juanita Autumn Poss. Of CDS-Felony CF-20 16-00279 07202016 State Of Oklahoma vs.

Mosoo. Kasey Lynn Poss. Of CDS-Felony CF-201 6-00280 07202016 State Of Oklahoma vs. Carney. Katy Marie APC Of Vehicle While Intoxicated-Felony Misdemeanor Filings CM-201 6-00588 07152016 State Of Oklahoma vs.

Craft, Mckinley Domestic Abuse -Misd. CM-201 6-00589 C71S2016 State Of Oklahoma vs. Warren, Demetra Latoya Driving Under Suspension-Misd. CM-201 6-00590 07192016 State Of Oklahoma vs. Oros.

Osiel DUI Alcohol-Misdemeanor CM-201 6-00591 0719.2016 State Of Oklahoma vs Smith. Eldridge Lerez Driving Under Suspenson-Misd. CM-201 600592 07192016 State Of Oklahoma vs. David. Qanelda Renee Domestic Abuse -Misd.

11:19 p.m.-Suspicioui ftrsonVrhicle 8000 block of N. 145. Elderly reporting party requesting a deputy in reference to a suspicious fi ll up truck on the block. Advised she was home alone. 07182016 1 :08 a nt-AnimaU Happy Camp between Alt-75Hwy 75.

Beggs PD advised of cattle in the roadway. 3:31 a m. Suspicious PersonVfehicie-13500 block of Will Sampson. Reporting party requesting a deputy advised a truck pulling horse trailer pulled onto his property. RP made contact with subject They are meeting his neighbor; advised he didn't need deputy 5:21 a.m.-Suspickius fVnonVehicle-Prairie BellBald Hill.

Deputy is out with a white Dodge pickup pulling 5 nock trailet 5:31 a.m.-Ocher Comrauniry Church. Lights left on in church. Everything checks ok. 5:56 am. -Other GrimesBixby Rd.

Cate is unlocked and open. Checked up to residence and bam area. 6:04 a.m.-Other-TVrin Hills. South gate unlocked and open. 8 39 a m.

Fire -US62 between 310 and 320. Report of car on fire. Dispatched Munis fire. No response as of yet. Advised that vehicle is pushed into ditch and is not impeding traffic.

Also fire is out. 8:55 a.m.-ReckJess Driver-75 southbound from Preston. Report of newer model blue Hyundai Genesis driving recklessly southbound from Preston. 9:07 a.m.-Larceny-9900 block of Risen hoover Ave. Beer run.

Susprct left in a silver four door car with dealer tags. Damage to front bumper of vehicle from hitting ice machine and employees car. Susprct is wraiing a black I -shirt, shorts and ballap. Suspect tuok a 25 ot can of beer. 11:30 a.m.

Larceny-2200 block of N. Mission. Walk in report. Reference larceny of domesticated animals. 1:45 p.m.

-Other-7400 block of Hurnleam. Reporting party advised neighbor called and advised him of a red Chevy pickup driving around house then into pasture and parked facing house. Property has been broken into previously and there isnt really anything left to steal. RP con rented about someone trying to do damage to property Would like extra patrol. Only vehicle allowed is gtey Chevy (hat works for oil company that checks pumps in the morning and leaves.

2:28 p.m.-Suspicious RrrsonMrhicle-1 6700 block of Happy Creek Rd. Reporting party stales dial they let a subject that had been staying with her family leave a vehicle on their property that he wav driving and it btokr down. However title doesnt return to his name and she wants to make sure it not stolen. 5 4S p.m Burglary 2000 block of Okmulgee Ave. Reporting party advised her residence has been broken into.

RP at residence and is armed with a firearm. Request deputy to knock loud so she can hear them. 6:43 Burglary-20900 block of Hwy. 16. Reporting party advised been away from home a couple of days due to lack of electricity Returned home today and home has been broken into.

Property moving would like to make a rrport also has possible suvett name 7 27 p.m. lKmcstic I29X) block of N. 120. Repotting patty advised brother in law assaulted his sistrt He is into tcated. She has minur iniunes but re-fused KMS requesting deputy to remove him from pro jerry 8 27 pm Burglary 14400 block of Bald Hill Rd Repining parts left home at 7 45 a Rrtumed home and home had hern broken into and ransacked.

9.23 p.m Intoxicated Duvet edar 310 area Repining patty advised of intoxicated Jmvt in white ot light colored Miblr Tahoe Advised he vpke with subject and subject iirt.imr slightly irritated OCSO. 1MP and Milntosh 50 m. Fireworks RV Ham Tvsn callers advised suh tects are setting off firewntis 07-192016 7 22 a Reckless Drv-i H.sv "5 from Preston Silver trailet will; ltd prosi-t unit all met r.idvs av 8 1(1 am. Suspicious IVtv.iti -hiii- In of Hwy 75 Deputy connecting vs r. r.ve 8 43 a nv Reckless rivrt Hsv "A from Redneck Comet Silver Vss.ui vrt roadway Ivputv en route to evur advised that u-liua- descrtption came past him in rrc'c'-i- pjss.rsg Orel Nation Travel Plaa 1159 jni Sii'jU ii'iis -UK1 i-f Hw-v 5 Reporting parts Uesth.it th'-re are a cmipii "Jupt heads" that have his result-iite to ok in use the 'hone RP is there n-w Wife is home alt-ne that she passed a it them through the doot and now they ate just sitting or.

her putvh using phone Ri-quesi deputy to check it ot Suliiriis yot a rule and vseie last seen headed south. 4 Jw pm tithe: 2ith M.idrom Repenting jiarty Mates that tnuk that siipist dlv tis-k some vehicles that weir reporting stolen tu M. Intosh last night Not sure if jH-tstin who was driving vehicle is ot if stolen veht cles ate then-. Can mils set- the single cah diesel rollback that look the vehnlfs 4 2n pm her H400 IIikV ol Davenport Anonymous trpoiitng party states that a felon has a gun safe at his test drncc States we nred to hum and get out hc-eause thrv air moving it No tin diet information at this tune 4 42 pm Assault and R.nterv -302IXI block ol 210. Rriorting pans states that he was assaulted last night at the end of ho dnvrwav Wanting to file a report.

5 45 pm Burglary Prrsion Storage Unit Reporting patty a-JviseJ her snnagr unit was broken into 8 OS Domestic -2300 block of St. Reporting party advised her sistrr called request ing significant uthet for unknown reason Advised her son lives with her and is intoxicated and has violent tendencies. 07142016 7:01 a.m.-Animals Hwy 56Dentonville Rd. Rrport ever! rows out at the Usi sharp curve before DrntonviUe Rd. 1:06 p.m.-Arridrnt with Injury-16 and 75 northbound south of bridge.

1:20 p.m.-Fire-Goun(ry Comer. Building hit by lightning. Rescue 1 responding. 5:16 p.m.-Assauk and Battny-3500 block of llwy 75. Reporting party advised she was assaulted and wants to speak to a deputy She is sitting at Duck Creek Casino in a burgundy Ford Focus.

6:32 p.m.-MentsI Subject-5100 block of N. 240. Reporting party advised he nerds an ambulance because he is homicidal, suicidal and has a mental condition. 8:50 p.m. -Civil 23800 block of Crimes Rd.

Reporting party is going through a child custody battle with the mother of the child, the mother lives on property in a separate house but is not there at the moment. RP would like contact from deputy. 10.08 p.m.-Misving ftrson-2700 block of N. 190. Reporting party advised her grandmother is missing.

She has checked all of the hospitals and even called OHP to see if she was involved in an accident. No one has seen her so she would like to speak with a deputy Follow up, person has been found. 11:13 p.m.-Suspicious PrrsonArhiclf-280 Ash-Re porting party advised of a dark colored Dodge single cab truck with loud pipes continuously driving in front of his residence. Advised they do not belong in area. Would like a deputy to come chec k.

07152016 8.37 a.m.-Dumpmg-1200 block of Sherman. Reporting party advised that someone dumped trash in his yard. 11:42 a Max Ave. A blue Dodge truck is parked in front of the house and a camper. 2:43 m.

-Suspicious tVrsonVr hide-1300 block of Dentonviile Rd. Deputy stopped to check on car as call was coming in. 4 S3 p.m.'Animatf loOO block of N. 188 Kd. Dog bit his wife, info sent to deputies phone.

4.57 m. -Unwanted RrrxonYrhtcleBrooke St. Advised he is supposed to be checking on the residence and there were subjects inside when he got there. He asked them to leave and they threatened to shoot him. He advised hr would call the police and they Irft but thieatened to bum his house down.

Advised they were in a grey Mazda traveling northbound on Alt 75. 5:36 p.m. Fight 37uO block of Flwuod. Reporting party advised two subjects are fighting with nuchetes. 6.06 p.m.

-Animals Casper 189. Drputy aJviscd he hit a dog and is going to notify the owner. 6 51 p.m. Burglary-19700 block of Mckjnnley Rd. Reporting party advised of her residence bring gone through and things turned over.

She can't find anything missing but would Ukc a deputy to come put and talk with her. 10 06 p.m Suspicious Person 'Vfhiclr-11200 block of Wallers Lit. Reporting party advised someone is in hri sited. 10 35 pm. Residential Alarm 1700 block ot Okmulgee Alarm Co.

udvived the home owners are home, but have people prowling outsiJr of the residence ORD nude contact with the individuals, they were playing IGkemon Co. all is good 07162016 1:33 a nv Other 2I0OO blink ot Gilmer Rd KMS request rd a lift assist due to trees N-ing down across driveway HU arrived on scene ami FMS i gone. Made contact with IMS and they advised they had airrjdv left with patient but du! n't call to inform. 2:58 p.m Oilier Nth) hunk of S. Kern.

Subject locked out of her trailer by her daughter. Advised deputy he requests! OPD to respond since lie was tied up with anothet call 7:35 m. Vandalism Hi block of Ferguson Kd Reporting party wants a report bird on vandalism to his idence. Advised windows base been busted out. 10 02 in.

Stolen Vehicle 1 1000 block of 21 Reporting pairs advised his friend and her husband iiist stole his truck RP tailed back to advise that subjects have returned vehicle at this tune 07172016 2:49 a. in F01 O.MH I FR advised of a female needing to be transported to Spring Crerk. Female does not know her physical address but it is dose to Skyline and Cun Club 10 29 a m. Cm! WH) Mock ol S. Kern Reporting party states that sublet ts son came to get hu fathers ashrs and said he was g-ung to go over to Ins taihrrs house to get some items.

RP states that homeowners wife iv in the hospital at this nine, RP is a 3rd parts unrelated to either parties. States she was the one who paid for the funeral. -V 1 1 Hang up with response-1 7300 Mm of S. 255 Rd. iVad an upon someone picked up but again nothing but dead att Deputy en route to home.

Made con tact with phone owner She advised accidental pocket dial. 4.44 p.m LOD OMH F.R. Request mg deputy to standby with combjtitive patient. 1 MS rn route fiom Beggs. OPS standing by until drputy can arrive.

7:37 p.m. Dunes nc Betwren RV Ranch and Duik Creek. Dink Cierk advised that a man in an otangr shin pushed a female down. She lv getting in and out of vehicle and walking into traffic. Deputy rn route to determine if incident started at Duck Creek.

10 10 3500 block of N. 248. Repomng party advised a subject lie lias had problems with in the past has been driving by his home in a maroon Chevy and making threats. 9:17 p.m.-Thrcats-11200 Mock lerguson Rd. Repotting party advised hr has been receiving threats via his phone.

Subjects advised they wrre en mute to his location to cany out these threats 9:45 p.m. Suspicious frrsnn -Vehicle 52. Gunclub Reporting party advised two men standing on comer in atra where a new house is bring built. Thought they wrre up to no good. CM-201 6-00593 07192016 State Of Oklahoma vs.

Stevenson. Jeffrey E. Driving Under Suspension-Misd CM-201 6-00594 07192016 State Of Oklahoma vs. Pierce. Sandra C.

Larceny Of Merchandise From A CM-201 6-00595 07192016 State Of Oklahoma vs. Kelso. Donald R. Public Intoxication-Misd. CM-201 6-00596 07192016 State Of Oklahoma vs.

Hethorington, Marcus Allen Poss. Of Controlled Substance-Misdemeanor CM-2016-00597 07202016 Stale Of Oklahoma vs. Ekiek. Wmser Driving Under Revocation-Misd. CM-201 6-00598 07202016 State Of Oklahoma vs.

Leybas, Eh Thomas Driving Under Suspension-Misd CM-201 6-00599 07202016 State Of Oklahoma vs. Tyler, Ira Louis Driving Under Revocation-Misd. Divorces FD-2016-00116 07152016 Fields. Nathaniel vs Fields. Tonya Lynn Divorce Marriage Licenses ML-2016-00130 07152016 Harper, Peter Daniel and Witt, April Marriage License ML-2016-00131 07182016 Terry, Dalton Ray and McCumber.

Cadence Elizabeth Marriage Ucense-WCeremony ML-2016-00132 07192016 Thomas. Christopher Dean Keith and Long. Carolyn Michelle Marriage Ucense-WCeremony ML-201 6-001 33 07192016 On The Hill, Brian Lee and Pendergrass. Mark Jason Marriage Ucense-WCeremony See Sheriffs on page 8A Okmulgee Fire Department Runs July 20 10 a.m.-Car Wreck. Hwy 75, Engine 1 and 2, Rescue 1 11:46 a.m.-Child on roof, 500 block of S.

Central, Engine 1 and Rescue 1 July 11 11:30 a.m.-liick out. East Central Electricity; Rescue 1 July 16 11:30 a line down, 800 block of Martin Luther King Engine 1.

Okmulgee Daily Times from Okmulgee, Oklahoma (2024)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

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